For an appointment:

Ginger Holczer, PsyD






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Sex Smart

Healthy Sexuality with Dr. Ginger Holczer

June 3, 2019  7-9pm at Best of Luck Beer Hall


What is “healthy sexuality?” How does my libido fit into the definition? Why are orgasms elusive at times? Sex Smart is designed to learn how our bodies respond, sexual wellbeing, and dispelling sexual myths in a comfortable, safe, sex-positive environment for women.

There will be a $5.00 cover charge for this event and wine will be available for purchase. Grab your girlfriends and head to Best of Luck for an evening of friends, wine, and candid conversations about sex!

For more details, find “Sex Smart of Springfield, MO” on Facebook or contact me at:

Dr. Ginger Holczer is the co-author of “Finding and Revealing Your Sexual Self: A Guide to Communicating About Sex”.  As an AASECT-certified sex therapist, she has over 10 years of therapy experience and has taught human sexuality on a college level. She speaks regularly at universities, national conferences, local organizations and groups.




 Sex Ed for Women with Dr. Ginger Holczer

April 29, 2019  7-9pm at Best of Luck Beer Hall

 How did you learn about sex? Most of us sat through an embarrassing health class that focused on reproduction and abstinence. When we became sexually active, we were just supposed to “know” how to have a successful sex life. This Sex Smart event is designed to learn how our bodies respond, sexual wellbeing, and dispelling sexual myths in a comfortable, safe, sex-positive environment for women.

There will be a $5.00 cover charge for this event and wine will be available for purchase. Grab your girlfriends and head to Best of Luck for an evening of friends, wine, and candid conversations about sex!

For more details, find “Sex Smart of Springfield, MO” on Facebook or contact me at:

Dr. Ginger Holczer is the co-author of “Finding and Revealing Your Sexual Self: A Guide to Communicating About Sex”.  As an AASECT-certified sex therapist, she has over 10 years of therapy experience and has taught human sexuality on a college level. She speaks regularly at universities, national conferences, local organizations and groups.